Monday, May 07, 2007


I have decided to express love for my mother more.

When I first went overseas, 8 years ago, she still looked fine. And when I look back at photos of me, a young, extremely crew cut, fit young boy, at the tender age of just turned 17, smiling with 1 arm proudly around my mum, at the airport just before I took off for Melbourne, I can see how she has aged considerably these last 10 years.

I suppose me being the brat I am, her constant worrying for me contributed to her aging.

It's time I suppose to face the reality that our parents are human too, and are bound to be affected by the natural process of aging. Lately, seeing the signs of her aging are beginning to disturb me. It makes me sad. Already I
have no father, and the prospect of losing my mother really brings me close to tears.

Instead of alwiz professing my love for her blah blah... I have decided to either shut up or do something about it.
So when I was in Phuket...I went through great pains to find her something which I knew she'd like. And she did,
and when I see her being happy that way, it reminds me of how much I want to bring her happiness and joy, not worry. Recently our maid's contract expired, and we sent her back. We are making do without any maid. So we
hired a part time once a week kinda helper...the rest of the time..we split the chores. I do the dishes, help with
the cooking (must not let my Melb cooking experience go forgotten right?), chuck the washing in the washing machine, collect the dry clothing, throw the rubbish etc. Today I went up to Genting to check out how to get there because I'm planning to bring her to the Sally Yeh concert in early June. And Mother's day is just around the corner.

So I've decided, don't just show her my love during special occasions. Everyday can be an occasion. And I still tell
her that she has the most beautiful hands in the world, because even though they might get old gnarled wrinkly knobbly, they are the hands that raised me. I hope by doing all these, she feels loved and happy, and thus can live longer, and thus, can see and play with 
her grandkids, which is what she deserves after all the years of bringing up 4 kids as a widow.

These things, things like filial piety...really dawns on u once you hit a certain age. I'm getting old too.

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