Friday, April 20, 2007

Little scquare boxes

Of course, I still have some traces of the idealist I once was. As such I believed that some people ARE capable of goodness. Unfortunately, our society refuses to allow for or accept that.

Everyone has certain principles they live by. These principles that guide us to in certain situations react in certain
ways could very likely be in complete contrast to the stereotype of us generated by how we normally look and act. 

So apparently the way I normally look and act makes people think I am type X. However, there have been instances
where the situation calls for me to do certain things that are generally thought to completely contrast with what
type X people do. Hence, instead of taking any other alternative routes, instead of considering that I may REALLY
be like that etc, the route that is chosen is to perceive me as a fake, a liar, an actor, who is really a type X, but
for various reasons, pretend to be another type.

It seems that the world has come to a stage where being nice cannot even be considered a viable option, and there
must be something not right about someone who is must be an act! BUT if you are flawed and uncaring...
THEN you are sincere and genuine. Maybe it is how people rationalize to explain, justify, or cover up that in those
situations, they did not act the right way.

The people who brought me up, and how they brought me up, has sort of conditioned me to be such and such. Why
is it that people find it so hard to believe so? It seems that people love to look at you, and form little square boxes
in their minds of what they perceive you as, and then fit you into those boxes. And instead of changing the box's
dimensions and parameters as they know you better, it is far easier to explain away whatever doesn't fit into their
original myopic and incorrect boxes by just attributing such gaps to 'he is a liar. he is a faker. he is an actor. he
is not himself. he is portraying an image. for such n such reasons. because of such n such objectives. because of
such n such reasons.'

Wow, thats thick, babe.

I don't hold it against such people. I am not angry. Every1 is entitled to their own opinions, right or wrong. The
point is that it is disappointing when people are now viewing everyone as inherently flawed already, no 1 is
capable of goodness, and goodness = fake. And I don't even mean saintly goodness. Goodness is as basic as doing
the RIGHT thing, as far as you know. Thats it.

And so, knowing this, I have 2 options:

1) Remain who I am, and allow people to label me incorrectly.
2) Change a bit, to prevent incorrect labelling.

Its a no brainer. Option #1 is the way to go.

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