Sunday, July 15, 2007


So I went out last night, and saw again, an ugly fat balding smelly rednecked white guy with his arms possessively around and lecherously sliding up and down the lithe nubile body of a pretty young Chinese girl. Now, I would not think twice if this sort of situation is rare - perhaps they share genuine devotion to each other.

But I see this stuff often, here and across the Causeway. And that makes me wonder...ok, what if, it is NOT genuine devotion? I can't help suspecting that theirs is not a real proper genuine union based on what typical real proper unions are made of.

Which begs the question: So why are they drawn to each other, like bugs to light?

OK, lets indulge my scepticism, negativity and cynicism.

OK, for the guy, its pretty simple.
- He gets to feel loved and like a god and like he is so special
- He gets to get physical with like the exotic Asian (which is such a highly prized thing in the West for some apparently, the bastards. They call it 'into the bamboo". Now isn't that a tad racist? Bamboo?!)
- There is no way in hell he can get anything half as good in his own country, where he most likely is regarded as some type of loser, who spends his nights with his pants around his ankle, leaning back on his sofa, head lolling to one side, snoring, bits of pizza on his shirt, his jowls shiny from his drool, a half eaten pizza clutched in his meaty sweaty palms, and a can of warm beer beside his feet, while some cheap B grade Phillipino porn plays out on the TV with the sound muted.
- OK maybe there are not the loser types, but the more successful types but who are jerks and a$$hole$ anyway but score Asian girls to go home and boast about.
- Asian girls are more submissive n less assertive compared to Western girls, hence they make him feel more manly, hence, they appeal to him. This was personally told to me by an Aussie guy.
- There is a general consensus that Asian girls are smaller so .. "feels" better, if you get my drift.

For the girl:
- Prestige factor.. look, I got a white guy! Hah! I managed to snag a member of a superior race! Hence, I have something superior to you! Oooh..this is such a big thrill for my ego! I'm better than you lot already!
- There is a general misconception that white guys are "bigger" so "feels better", if you get my drift.
- Foreign currency.
- Supposedly more gentlemanly, know how to be suave, polite, etc etc.

I actually see the logic in the white guy's behavior though I might not agree to it. I mean, think about it, put urself in his shoes.

1. I've always been a loser.
2. Wow, these girls are hot!
3. Wow they think I'm the best thing since sliced bread!
4. They dig me! They want me!
5. I'd be a fool not to help myself to it.

But I am terribly unable to see the lure of the typical white git for our girls. Now let me pls add a disclaimer to all those SPGs in denial: I HAVE seen and do believe in the existence of genuinely nice, mature, sensible, thoughtful, chivalrous, gentlemanly white guys, though SOMETIMES the sleazebags can pull off that act quite smoothly. So of course this post attacks not all white guys. Maybe your ex/current/future white beau is the exception to this rule, and upholds the noble name of his type.

K, let me revert back. It is not bitterness that prompts this post. It is real puzzlement. And a desire to understand such things. And of course, sincere desire to understand can only be fulfilled by the objective and often brutal statement of the facts, as I have done above, though some might say jealous twit. But hey, seriously, whoever girl thinks like that, I don't want her anywhere near me. So, they can keep themselves, thks but no thks v much.

So the fallacy of the white man being superior et al hence she has proven she is superior to other girls...I just pity such girls. It goes to show their deep rooted insecurities n low self esteem. Hence I shall refrain from lambasting her. The type who think that white men are better endowed. Well, this blog does not desire to delve into the lurid details of the male anatomy, nor does it offer a scientific dissertation on the differences between the male genitals of the Angle Saxons compared to the Orientals. Suffice to say that if I was a girl, I'd pick the hairless, smooth, yellow complexion guy anytime compared to the soft, white, pasty, easy-to-turn-red, hairy, pink nippled, bad breathed white man.

As for the politeness and gentlemanly aspect. It is undeniable and true that Asian men do lack such fine upbringing, such is the tragedy of our society. But before we blame our men for this, cant we consider the fact that this also reflects a failure of Asian mothers to inculcate the right values in their sons? So, from that angle, we are sort of victims. Wow, amazing, the male mind to rationalize and segregate himself from all liability. Haha.

At any rate, I cannot speak for myself but I do try to behave the right way. However, it seems sometimes that this is lost on Asian women; somehow me being proper is equivalent to corny/cheesy/sleavebag/try-hard blah blah...whereas the white guy who holds the door, lets the lady enter the lift first, sits facing the wall so she doesnt have to, etc, is like wow wow. So, we are conditioned and bred to behave in a way that everyone finds acceptable.

Anyway, its time to turn my thoughts back to work. Replenishments for DSS North this week v critical.

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