Monday, October 15, 2007

Sweat..and blood.

After tackling an issue head on, I still feel residual feelings of upsetness.

Now, some people deal with this by bottling it up, or smoking, or drinking, or telling people, or gambling, or indulging in various other unhealthy n unbeneficial activities.

I choose to exercise. At least channel the negative energy into something positive and healthy. Been running a lot lately, and have finally been able to breach the 6km mark. It kills me but finally I can hit the mark again. Great feeling. Love the feeling of liberatedness I get. Just running, man against the road, just me, my heart pounding, and the sound of my sneakers pounding the treadmill/asphault. Hit the gym a little bit too. Very depressing to see how much I have deteriorated. Nvm, no point dwelling on it, just... get back in it.

Been yearning for basketball for some time.. havent played for like 2 months now...really need my fix! my game. going to play tonight. good release.

emotions pent up still need outlet.

if i could, i really really would love to indulge more often in adventure sports. i think i will start looking up those wkend activities where strangers get together and go white water rafting, go kayakking, go solo rafting, jungle trekking and the like. love that feeling.

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