Friday, July 21, 2006

nice guys finish last

theres a popular saying, nice guys finish last.

nice guys get the used goods.

bad guys get the best parts.

true or false?

this is very similar to kenny's theme from his post.

but wat kenny knows now... many of us know from long ago. yup, nice guys do finish last (usually). if ur a nice guy, and u try to be a bad guy, chances are, u will do a bad job, and girls, they are sharp as hell with razor sharp sensors n detectors. they can smell a fake, a phoney, from miles away. this makes the niceguy-who-wants-to-be-seen-as-a-badguy just so he can attract girls n get laid look even more desperate n undesirable.

nice guys: dont try to be what ur not. chances are, u will do a mediocre job at being bad, and ur now no longer nice...making ur one asset (niceness) even more useless...

stick to ur strengths...80% niceness is better than 50% fake badness...

[we gotta tell them NOT to change.. if all the nice guys become bad guys... then the rest of us guys will have even more competition!]

but u gotta wonder.. is it true?

i for one, believe there are lots n lots of v sensible mature intelligent women out there who will not setttle for anything less than what they feel they truly deserve. these girls know wat they want. they are ready to settle down. or, they do not want to mess around. they want a good solid reliable responsible mature steady bloke who has a stable income, sound and secure job, reasonable looks, good with kids, gets along well with their friends, and are approved n liked by the parents. plus, these blokes has to treat the girl well, and with respect.

then there are girls who like guys with an element of danger to them...guys who are a bit unpredictable...etc..guys who cannot be tamed..they constantly want to do something that happens to be something that the gf doesnt want him to do...they do not take exceptional care to ensure they remember significant dates like anniversaries..they dont alwiz call...dont express their feelings much... dont act very possessive.. etc...and girls cant help themselves.. many will fall for this type. even some seemingly intelligent etc etc ones... who previously never imagined they were this kind.. also will fall hard.

then there is the normal kind of girl, who under normal circumstances, would have probably had a good rship. BUT. and this is the caveat.

their boyfriends are doormats. there is a fine trick and a delicate balance to maintain. the catch is to be nice, BE YOURSELF, and yet not be a dog! be nice, be sincere but be fair to yourself and be firm when correct. dont bend over trying to be nice.. dont keep calling her.. dont keep smsing her... dont give her mushy as hell love sickly sweet gives her the chills! it gives ME the chills and makes me want to punch u right in the kisser. be nice n polite n proper but for gods sake be MANLY. dont b cheesy...if a guy is too available.. alwiz spinelessly saying sorry whether or not he is wrong.. or alwiz makes the first move to call back.. if he alwiz says OH IM FINE WITH ANYTHING SO WHY NOT U DECIDE ON SOMETHING THAT MAKES U HAPPY...and asks her to choose dinner everytime... sure mati kao kao la this fella.. you gotta be yourself, but also, not be too much of a pushover. but pls dont play mind games..theres nothing more repulsive then a mindfucker. one fine day his hitherto perfect gf will jus go grr... lose interest in him. then this poor guy tries to up his game to become an even NICER n better n more attentive bf.. and unbeknownst to the poor sod..this only serves to make her even more disgusted..

how can she feel sexy n womanly towards such a guy!?

so gentlemen...

the moral of the story is... NOT ALL GOOD GIRLS PREFER BAD GUYS.

guys.. you are the ones who choose the girls...choose the type of girl who would like the type of person u are without requiring u to change too much...too often guys jus go for looks..

ppl who are very beautiful, many of them, have spent their growing up years basking in attn from the opposite sex based merely on their looks.. so they have never had a need to develop their they end up slightly shallow n highly n unreasonably demanding etc..of course, we have the ones who are beautiful and have character (which could b u of not generalizing). those who are not so good looking.. need to develop their character to attract the opposite sex.

so.. if u choose the right kind.. then u wont encounter a situation where u get trodden on if ur too nice..choose the kind of girl who will appreciate your kindness. just dont b a doormat.

if u choose a girl who wants a brat.. ask urself.. do u really want her? high maintenance n all.. prob will dump u for the next better think carefully.

dang, this post is tiring...gonna go rest...

actually shit no.. i actually arranged to meet some friends tonight @ laundry.. i was there on its very first night.. have gone back a few times since.. well..gonna make my way there.. aint nice to keep the ladies waiting, y'know wat im sayin' ?

good luck amigos!

ps: girls. shall do a segment for u v soon, explaining the mechanisms of the male mind. of course, if u subscribe to the theory that the male has 2 heads n no brain, and the 1 without the brain is the 1 to manipulate, u wouldnt b too far off the mark either!

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