Friday, June 06, 2008

On Blogging...and the end of Chronicles

It used to be that last time, I looked forward to and enjoyed blogging, and when I didn’t blog, I felt an itch that needed to be scratched. At times, I poured out my emotions through my blog. In the past almost 1 year, I have been blogging very intermittently and sporadically. There have been moments, I wont deny, that I have had the itch to do so. But the itch is gone very soon, and thoughts that I wanted to blog about but has escaped me does not make me feel weird until it has been blogged down. Basically, not blogging makes no difference to me.

I think I might be growing out of blogging. I’m not so partial to venting my emotions here anymore, coz it is more productive to just handle the issue, and not talk about things. That’s my style. I think when I get married I will stop this.

Reading my old, old posts, I actually get embarrassed at how I handled things and how I felt. Moving on I think my emotions and moods are stabilizing, where the extremes are not so extremes and are better handled. When I read blogs I previously used to haunt and stalk, I see that many of the blogs I used to read are still the same, talking about the same things.

It seems that in this time, the person hasn’t really grown much or developed much. We should use blogs as a reference path down memory lane and then can chart our progress and what else needs to be done. Seriously, in life, there’s a lot more to it. And a lot of our problems are dramaticized, exaggerated by us. I think there is a part in all of us that likes to taint our life with a touch of tragedy sorrow and injustice.

Our love for drama and theatrics needs to be infused with a healthy dose of reality, and we should learn to recognize this trait and separate the actual situation. Then we don’t confuse truth and fantasy and end up messing things up more. When we try to view our lives through rose tinted glasses, there are actually many worthy roses to smell, and things are never as bad as they seem.

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