Monday, June 23, 2008

A versus B

Besides boyfriend girlfriend, how else can 1 describe one’s that person?

Not yet married, so not spouse, nor partner. Then…?! BF/GF is too … does not do justice to the relationship, since so many shallow relationships are labelled as such.


In the eternal question, it seems to be increasingly people are confronted with choices of whether to choose boyfriend/girlfriend or career/lifestyle.

Invariably, it seems that at this age, the latter usually wins. Perhaps when people are older, have had more under their belts and all that’s left is to secure a good future with the former, that is when they are more ready to settle down. There is difficulty in choosing a certain path, and then when people choose a path, if their minds are not settled, they’d forever be wondering what if what if.

It’s better to let em go, let em pursue their dreams, and if love truly exists between both, then they will wait.

Is that right?

I think I’m the sort of dude who prefers to settle in one place. I’ve got feet of clay.

It’s not fair either to clip her wings and force her to stay beside you though, right? What IS fair, what isn’t fair? They say all is fair in love and war. Fairness versus rightness.

OK, a bit distracted…I think I better get back to work.

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