Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Freak accidents

Of all the freak accidents that occurred, 2 come to mind instantly.

First one: A few years ago, I read in the papers of 2 French (I think) women who were outdoors and got caught in a lightning/thunderstorm, and sought refuge under a tree. Lightning struck, and both were fried to a crisp. Cause for death: the lightning had hit the metal lining wires of their bras. Key Learning: Girls, don't wear bras with metallic elements. Guys: Don't wear bras.

Second one: Did you know poop and piss that we discharge while on flights can actually be discharged from the plane while in mid flight, get frozen by the atmospheric conditions, and land on the ground and hit someone!? I never believed my mum's talk on this phenomenon until I read about it actually happening. Cause for death: Fortunately, none. Key Learning: It happens.

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