Tuesday, February 19, 2008

IS he/she into you?

When you log into MSN, sometimes you get interesting articles. I seldom read it, but this one caught my eye. Let me do a test for you then. What a great service I am providing.

Is he into you?

If he is, he...

1. Closes the distance. YUP. But some men do this anyway to show alpha-male-ness and to impress girls. Esp true for Western values guys who sometimes don't understand the meaning of personal space and takes advantage of this being their 'cultural norm' to get cheap thrills.
2. Speaks softly. YUP.
3. Rounds his posture. YUP. Unless he is naturally rotund.
4. Talks slowly. YUP. Unless he is an engineer, in which case all bets are off.
5. Can't take his eyes off you. YUP but the desire to is there, but I don't actually keep staring, though I know many who do. Just be able to spot the diff between admiration and wanton lust.

If he is not, he...

1. Stands four feet away. Shy guys will do this naturally anyway so, not reliable.
2. Stands at an oblique angle to you. Again, shy guys might not even look at you.
3. Sounds like that guy in accounting. He might really BE an accountant...or engineer.
4. Stares at your mouth. Get out. Quick. Now! He is either avoiding eye contact or he is imagining obscene scenarios involving said body part.
5. Not in sync with your body language. Get out! Either he is so dumb, or he doesn't care.

Is SHE into you?

If she is, she...

1. Tilts her head. She does? I thought it was just a neat quirk! Excellent.
2. She takes a sip when you do. Isn't she just being polite so we finish our drink at the same pace?
3. She twirls her hair. Wow! Thought it was just another adorable habit. Excellent.
4. She gets a glow. Hmm...isn't it like the alcoholic drink, the lighting, or perhaps I annoyed her? Interesting.
5. Her pupils dilate. Never noticed.

If she is not, she...

1. Crosses her arms.
2. Places her bag between you two.
3. Speaks very fast.
4. Gives chin up smiles.
5. Strokes her neck.


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