Friday, February 01, 2008


Life is sometimes quite ironic, and throws curveballs after curveballs at ye.

It was said, History is the consequence of characters meeting circumstances.

As an armchair critic, it is infinitely easy to sit there and poke holes and people, point fingers and take the horal high ground and claim what they would do if it was them. Sure. I also know what I would do if I was Adolf Hitler. The exact same as he. Coz then I'd BE him, shaped as he was.

Who is to say who is right and wrong? To really understand a man, it was said, get off that chair and walk a mile in his shoes. Then and only then have we earned that right to criticize.

It is a terrible thing, but yet possibly one that brings a sardonic smile to my emotionless lips right now, to find that attempts to spare everyone and let everything come to fruition as I have tried to let them know, is again, backfiring with dramatic consequences. In my efforts to bring about a peaceful resolution to the situation, yet again it has been realized (by myself) that my 'ends justify the means' tactic (which I unconsciously and unintentionally employed) is again hindering the arrival at the means. Trying to make things better and give what was promised and appease the parties involved, albeit dubious means, just dug the grave deeper.

Hence, efforts to bring about good endings have failed, and things must come to a head, a conclusion. And ironically, the endings have probably led to unintended endings and beginnings, and wrought irreversible damage on everyone.

What, oh what, have I done.

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