Friday, February 23, 2007

Cutest Ever

* Addendum - just realized I never change/wash my shorts. Oh well.

It's only natural that everyone thinks babies are cute. Most babies.
And its only natural that the babies of friends tend to be cuter than the babies of strangers.
And that the babies of relatives are cuter than the babies of friends.
And that the babies of close relatives, such as cousins, are even cuter.

Ignore that pudgy forearmed boy in the yellow shorts (its me if you haven't already guessed by now)...focus on the small tiny bundle of Korean
baby lookalike in his arms though...darned cute. The 2 on the ground are my baby cousins...the one in my arms is my cousin's baby.

So it follows that babies of your immediate family will be even cuter. A point proven surely by the below.

I conned my niece into taking this pic by letting her watch Barney and putting the camera on timer mode. Heh evil sneaky ass uncle. She loves
that ball. "Ball Ball!"

She is .. more than a year old but exactly how old I have no idea. Probably two. Her name is Sze Ern. She is my niece and she is super cute. And I am also super biased. Sometimes cute is cute, not cute is not cute, whether or not they are strangers' babies or relatives babies. But my sister's baby is super duper cute. When she was younger she was even cuter. I've got tonnes of her pics but I won't make you guys see it.

This makes me think, I also want kids. I want 2 boys, and 1 girl, in any order. As long as they are healthy. I used to
think I want the eldest to be a boy coz I'm quite the MCP and I want to feel manly knowing I have a son and I want to force him to play sports with me and go camping with me. But now I realize, I would prefer the eldest to be a girl, because looking at myself and how my sisters disciplined me (manipulative tactics work) and seeing I turned out fine (except that I like to boast but I can't help it, girls arent perrrrfect either) I want my kids to turn out that way too. Girls have a gentler warmer more humane touch and I want my sons to be like that. Girls are more attached to family, more stable, less risk taking, more filial, all the good stuff that I'm not but haha want my kids to be. Don't want them growing up all insensitive coarse brutes with pudgy arms like me.

OK, enough revelations about my sudden paternal instincts that were aroused from hugging my niece. Ok, not quite, 1 last bit. Have you ever tried hugging this soft warm round ball of ... cuteness? And she looks up at you with big trusting eyes? Or when she sees you and runsss to you and throws her arms around ur leg n clutches tightly while calling "Goo! Goo!" (thats how she calls me).

Sweetest feeling in the world, better than any sweet ass sugar laden Chinese tongsui or Indian diabetes inducing dessert. Go get yourself a baby and try it.

- - - -

I think I would make a good dad. I don't REALLY KNOW but I guess I would. Never really knew what having a dad is like..its the most natural feeling to come from a single parent family. He died when I was 5, and I think I only became conscious of being alive and having memories when I was quite a lot older than 5. I was a bit retarded (still am, some might say) hahaha. When people talk about their dads, or father's day, things that seem perfectly natural to them, they seem alien to me. And when people talk about single parent families as some sort of anomaly, it sounds totally the opposite to me. Theres lots of things I would have loved to do with a dad...and I'm gonna jolly well make sure my kids get to try that.

I worry about my sisters. Growing up without that father will it affect their love lives? What kind of partner would they choose? Would this choice be adversely influenced? Would they go for significantly older guys? Would they crave an unreasonable sense of security? Would they want a guy who can give them constant affectations of love? And I'm worried people might take advantage of them if they can figure this stuff out. 

When I was younger I wanted to build up my size and strength so that I could deter people from bullying them. As people around me continued to grow and I didn't I realized this was a futile dream - I couldn't strike cold fear into the heart of a lizard. So I decided to become rich and powerful so nobody would bully them and if they tried, they'd have to worry about retribution from a rich and powerful me. Then I decided wait! Why wait until they are bullied?

So now I've got a new strategy. Its called prevention better than cure. If I don't like some guy, before he goes steady with the sister, he has to go through me. This is my filtration system. When he isnt around I will constantly get in her ear until she dumps him. Haha unbeknownst to all the idiots out there chasing my sisters, little do they realize that that small pudgy forearmed boy sitting there stoning n reading is the one holding the power key into her heart. Bribe me, I'm cheap.

Well, 1 sister is married. 1 is still young. The one who is approaching her late 20s is the one I am worried for. Everyone needs to find love, someone to love you and worthy enough of ur love in return. She doesnt have a steady bf at the moment. I hope she finds one. Then I can go to another sister's wedding and feel like a VIP, and before long, I'd have another small soft round warm bundle throwing herself at my leg and wrapping her arms around me tightly not letting go and shouting GOO GOO GOO with unbridled innocent childlike enthusiasm fuelled entirely by her love towards her evil scheming uncle.

= = =

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