Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cars & flab

So, I finally managed to fix up my Internet. Now I have access from home again!!! Woo hoo!!! Brilliant. Can foresee the many nights of sin, leisure and fun. However, the performance seems lousier compared to previously...sightly slower n less stable. Nevermind, step by step. First get it up. Then, work on improving it.


Well, was happily back to my old habits of surfing around. This time, just basic research into cars, of which I'm thinking of getting a new one. And stumbled across a site that spells out what kind of personality you have based on the type of car you choose. This is me, and it is true! - - :

The car: A Honda Accord or other sensible sedan

What the car says about its owner: Someone who drives this practical vehicle is most likely educated and intelligent, Dr. Orbuch says. “This driver probably likes discussing politics and is very well-read and mature,” she explains. “People who drive these kinds of cars don’t take big risks in life, but hey, that mentality has served them well up to now!” What you may find pleasantly surprising is that the driver probably has a lot of savings socked away. “This kind of person has invested his or her money well and may very well be enjoying a cushy lifestyle, but is just smart enough to know that a car is a horrible investment,” she explains. Ultimately, he or she cares about value, not flash.

What the car says about its owner’s love style: Its owner will most enjoy someone who likes to converse about life, Dr. Orbuch suggests. “He or she thinks that support, friendship, and honesty are essential to a good healthy relationship,” she says. Additionally, he or she probably doesn’t mind spending a lot of money on a mate—“especially when it comes to travel, fabulous hotels, and great restaurants,” she says. The thinking is: “I save when I can to splurge when I want.”

On another note,
from observation, I have come to notice that girls usually start gaining weight once they get attached. Judging from my previous relationships (compared to my current relationship, none of which hold a candle to, or are even worth mentioning in the same breath as), and my observations of my friends’ relationships, this usually seems to be the case.

My theory is that as a single girl, a girl has not much need or cause to indulge in a lot of food on a regular basis. She is easily contented, happy to subsist on a diet of simple plain fare at home, low calorie home cooked meals, and an occasional gluttony romp with her friends.

But once she is attached, of course, she would spend a lot of time with the boyfriend right? Now, there are not many activities or experiences that a couple can share. Eating is one of the rare ones. So, a lot of their times, a lot of aspect of this relationship will be based on eating and food. So the guy, being a hungry bugger, will surely go out to eat 3 to 4 times a day, and have supper. And guys being guys would order food with not much veggie, but plenty of meat. And the girl would be following him on his frequent eating trips, adopting his midnight supper habits, partaking in his meal heavy diet, and spend her nights up late with him doing whatever.

When not with her, he continues to go out for sports. What this means in essence is that while he is a guy and can more easily take on and digest the food, and that his sporting lifestyle can help with that, the girl is not having any significant increase in aerobic calorie consuming activities nor is her capacity to take in food increased. Hence she is increasing her calorie intake, stretching her tummy, and her calorie usage is still the same. Coupled with the late nights leading to lower metabolism rates, and the happiness of a relationship which induces her to indulge in her favorite desserts and cakes (now that she can indulge in it since at anytime of the day/night she has someone to drag along to accompany her), and the extra sitting around watching movies…tada! And right there you have a surefire recipe for putting on flesh.

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