Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Have you ever...

Have you ever tried holding a handful of sand on your palm?

Try it. Now, open your palm completely, as wide as you can. See the sand slipping and falling off the edges of your palm, and in btw your fingers? Eventually theres not much left on your palm proper, is there?

Now. Close your palms and fingers and ball it up into a clenched fist. See, even if grip tight, the damn sand also leaks away right, and eventually you are not holding much sand either.

Any relationship is like the sand. The palm/fist/fingers bit is the way we treat the rship.

Squeeze too tight, you end up with not much left. Don't hold it tight enough, same thing happens.

The trick is when to hold and how tightly to hold. This is where most people get it wrong. Now, if 1 party values that rship more, that party will really have to exercise discipline and control and force his palms to remain open not to go overboard in his display of the depth of his value of that other party. If he senses that the other party is not ready for a tighter fist, he better ctrl himself. This is the tough part.

The above analogy can be used for any rship. It could be btw 2 people in a romantic relationship, or a boss and his subordinate, or a company and its employee, a mother and her child, etc.

It's a bit twisted, innit? Sometimes you might value or treasure a thing too much that you drive it away.

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