Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I like Citronella

‘This is not a love song…this is not a love song…”

It’s wonderful how sometimes you are introduced to a wonderful song most unexpectedly, in the most obscure of places. Sometimes I find it in dimly lit shops in back alleys selling novelty stuff, sometimes in non mainstream libraries, sometimes in movie soundtracks…

I know I talk about music all the time. We often hear songs that make us want to move. Want to dance. How often have we heard a song that makes us want to move or dance sexily though?

Can imagine it now… dark room lit by a few flickering tea lights casting shadows on the wall… the smell of citronella permeating the air… the feel of oil on my back… the sensation of soft, smooth, warm, supple, long-fingered hands gently applying it… the gentle caress of the tips of one’s hair on my back…

And then gently turning the tables on her… tracing outlines… light touches… gentle kisses…intoxicating scents… lingering sensations… soothing voices…

“This is not a love song… this is not a love song…”

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