Thursday, March 01, 2007

Older Girls 2

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* I cheated..and edited this post. Nothing u can do about it.
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Lets continue, shall we?

Right. So why are older girls so appealing nowadays? When I say older, I mean anyone 24 and above. 
Girls below that are still trying to 
understand and find themselves, and don't really know or understand what they want (though
they think they know).

Well, older girls (around 24 and above...maybe 25 and above...maybe just above) have been
there done that, lived vicariously through their friends' rships ups and downs, have personally
experienced past relationships, are ready to look beyond the superficial things, and finally realize that they can no longer take their own sweet time to 
search pick 
discard til the right one pops along because they finally realize that there is no 'the right one'
and the longer they wait, the lower this chance gets. They are more mature, more able to accept
differences and deal with situations that are not ideal. They don't throw tantrums and get super
emo. They are more practical. More prudent. 

Being wiser, they are more able to accept differences, or when things are not to their liking, and
instead of doing something pointless, they just deal with it, make do, shrug their shoulders n
move on. They would b more accommodating of their bfs. 

BTW if you haven't realized by now that these are merely my own uneducated conjectures
(which is no different from illogical psycho garbage spewed out by our dumb ass pollies),
or are indignant, feel free to slash your own wrists. 

I also think that older girls are more 'steady', more of a stable rock. Any successful relationship
needs a sensible person, and clearly, I am not v sensible. =).

I originally wrote this post to try to explain to myself why I have always been attracted to wise, sensible, mature
girls and not the fluffy types. I thought it would be an interesting post. However, after typing the above few
sentences I am no closer to my answer, but I am bored and have run out of stuff to say.

OK, my mum beckons - dinner is ready and we have some VIGs (very important guests) tonight, including a quasi 'aunt' who took care of me during my tumultuous times down under.

Sayonara people, I better go and practise my YUM-THIS-STUFF-IS-DA-SHIZNIT! face.

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