Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Fuckwit need to sleep

[This part started on Wed night but not finished...]

You know what I miss?
Carlton Curry House on Nicholson Street. Man that house rocked big big time. I loved, absolutely go stark raving mad, go bonkers, over their lamb vindaloo and chicken madras. Not to mention
roganjosh. Butter chicken. #@$#@%#. And make that max spicy please. And their never ending free flow of yellow rice. I love that you can adjust the spiciness. I love the curry on the rice. I love the yellow rice. I love the
everything. But you know what I miss most of all?

I miss going there with my gf, both of us eagerly and gluttonly looking forward to indulging in huge helpings of
curry rice, and halfway thru, looking up at her, and quietly enjoying her face of utter pleasure eating, pink glowing cheeks, teary eyes, and red lips. I miss that. I miss the sparkling twinkle in her eyes when she is eating and happy like that. I miss feeling happy when I see those pink cheeks. I miss putting down my spoon n fork halfway and touching those warm cheeks and her looking up at me and giving me a dazzzling smile. And then looking down again promptly and attacking her vindaloo lamb again. And I refill her plate. Those were the days. Just seeing her
like that, so happy and well fed, made me even happier n hungrier.

And we'd stagger out in a drunken stupor, bellies exploding, lassi oozing out of our bellybuttons, filled til overflow, and we'd stumble over to Borders, read and digest, end up buying a book, heading home to her apartment, and...

Gosh...I want that lifestyle all over again. I'm just a sucker who doesnt want to grow up.

[And this part a few hours later continued...]

Mika - Grace Kelly - for the unintiated, u poor sods.

Fuck...its 2am, and I'm suffering from my usual bouts of insomnia, which will almost inevitably lead to another longgg day @ work...wake late, arrive late, rush, cant focus, keep nodding off, rush off as soon as possible wanting to go home and nap, reach home, suddenly not sleepy, want to seize the day...

Been lying in bed for 2 solid hours tossing n turning and trying to sleep and tried all sorts of therapy short of sex and still cant sleep and ended up my mind is runnning running running. Ok, perhaps if I expunge the topics from my mind here, I can finally get to sleep.


If you havent read such books as Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, get your hands on a copy of it. Theres a few more, but for this topic, the abovementioned book is the relevant one. In there he talks of how major US corporations hire a few guys to cook up figures that will lead to giant conglomerates controlling national governments by proxy and thus making these governments make policial decisions that favour the MNCs at the terrible expense of the local population. Its a great read boys and girls, so come on, expand your knowledge some ok? Anyway back to the point. 
Today's news mentions that Venezuela has gained back government control over its oil drilling and production.
This is great news. Finally, the battlers are winning. Here's to you Chavez.


It stands to reason (unless you are self deceptive or just plain blind) that Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and the likes are
all sub contracted out to bumi contractors. Prolly via cronyism. Without proper tenders, and due identification &
elimination processes. Where merit is not considered. Well guess what? I'm not fucking surprised then that the
goddamn pipes and ceilings and everything else are all breaking down...and lets not forget the fact that these buildings are very young. What a bunch of losers. The greatest indictment of their capabilities, staring them right
in the face.


I was in Phuket recently, as reg readers would well know. And while munching brekkie, CNN was showing. You know what? They were playing some reallly stupid stuff and passing it off as news. Celebrity gossips. A guy who ran away from jail. I mean, in the grand scheme of life, these are super trivial and mundane things. I don't give a shit about that crap. What I want to know is, what are the policies to curb poverty? Starvation? War? Employment? Inflation? I want real issues, real meat, bread and butter type stuff. Don't care about Anna Nicole Smith. And its not jus CNN. Its the local media too. Its like all these conglomerate controlled mediums are trying to sensationalize things, turning the mundane into news items via repeats and hype. Purposely feeding us inconsequential crap so none of us are aware of what a shit job the govt is doing. So we consider this as news. And no1 bugs the govt to explain why the fuck its doing such a shit job.


Finished work today (yep, I worked on a public hol, as usual) and raced home to change and off I went to the curve. Happily dressed in my Chang Beer sleeveless shirt, orange Bermudas, sneakers, sunglasses, I met Jit for a little alfresco drink and a chat. A good solid long 2 hour chat. Details shall be kept private. 


Decided to take my mum out for dinner. Glad I did it. She seemed happy.


Wow this is great. Suddenly want to sleep. Time to turn on the Krall..albeit softly.

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