Friday, May 25, 2007

Robots, we are not

Humans being humans, are subject to various dynamic forces on our psyches, and are thus wont to
inconsistent behaviour. This is not to say that our behavior is irregular and inconsistent and highly
volatile. No. What this means is that our behaviour should not have 0 standard deviation unless
we are robots. Hence, some slight variations of behavior and occasional departures from the norm
are very acceptable and normal indeed, provided they more or less stay on the course which more
or less ties in with our typical behavior. This can be evidenced by a discernible pattern.

Hence, it will not do if one tries to maginify, scrutinize and comb through people's statements and
behavior looking for inconsistencies and then gleefully pointing every1 of them out triumphantly, as
if they have just successfully uncovered a fake and a liar. Giving people no room to have slight
fluctuations in behavior is highly immature as it shows an unfamiliarity with human behavior. Humans
aren't robots with preprogrammed structures to govern them to ensure that they respond in exactly
the same way to a given situation.

Having purged the above sentiments from my hunble self in response to certain comments I have received,
I shall now delete this unfortunate episode from my mind, as life is short, and it is certainly not worth it
to dwell on the misconceptions of oneself by someone who has obviously shown themselves to be not worth
much after all. And in true schizophrenic or watever colors, this post endeth, and another begins shortly...

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