Monday, July 30, 2007


Was happily back at the line after the prev post, only to be suddenly reminded of something loathesome.

This is related to the prev prev post. People who know me know that I don't like to do things rushed, in a haphazard manner. Things must b steadied and stable before progress to the next level is made. And i believe in working hard, that there is an intrinsic reward in that, and that the fruits of such labour will come, blah blah, that there is no shortcut to success blah blah. although the banking industry is doing very very well to dispel those thoughts and stir up severe doubts.

so to be labelled as a not so capable person, is really pissifying. if one breaks up with ones girlfriend, and if one of the major reasons is that one makes less, it really does ...stir up weird emotions. especially if one makes more relative to the rest of the population, except when compared to banking, where even idiots are paid eye poppingly astronomical sums for shoddy shit.

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