Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Work reflections

While managing major projects, I of course encounter all sorts of scenarios that stretch me and are out of my comfort zone. Nothing of course goes perfectly all the time. When that happens, I need to sort out the situation, and take corrective and preventive action. To take it a step further, a good manager would be able to predict, anticipate, prevent, minimize the risk of, recognize, potential or impending screw ups.

To do the above, I utilize various approaches I picked up to issues like people management, decision making, crisis handling, plans deviation, operational, technical, managerial, etc.

When I sit down and think about the way I have handled the above, and then try to trace back where I might have picked up that approach, it does not cease to amaze me to discover the influences that shaped my life, and how unapparent that was back when I was experiencing it. Really, our capacity to absorb and implement consciously and unconsciously what we want to is quite astounding.

Some of my influences date back to the time when I started off as a waiter and then made my way up to the supervisor role at this fancy arse high class restaurant back in Melbourne. Other experiences date from the time I worked at Subway. Yet other experiences came from my first job with EY. But what really shaped me is this toughass 2 year MT programme that I have been on for almost 2 years.

I carried with me my current attitude into all those prev jobs and this one, that belief in myself, that faith that I know I can do it, the thorough application of myself, willingness to make sacrifices, going the extra mile, being hardworking, sucking it up, not shying from tough stuff, and refined it. But in terms of the way I think, the way I approach and solve problems successfully, all that was inculcated and ingrained in my time here.

Looking back on it, it doesn't seem to matter what industry I am in, what I did, from waiter to auditor to the current. It seems like I have always been successful. Yet, I was not trained for ANY of these jobs. It was totally new fields. Hence, it is yet another form of proof that I know if I leave this job/industry, although I would have to start all over again, I would definitely do well. I know now conclusively, whatever I do, if I carry the same attitude, even if its another industry, I can do it. The doubts have been dispelled; are there no longer. It is, more than anything, the 3 elements of luck, character and aptitude that really defines and determines how well or how far you go in life professionally.

Knowing this is a relief, because a lot of people remain trapped in their jobs due to fear of being unable to handle a new job. They want more money, but more money means a higher role and more responsibility, and it is that uncertainty in themselves that stops them from doing something other than what they are currently doing.

I certainly do not regret doing those part time jobs. When I have kids, they will definitely have to go through similar experiences. I want them to grow up tough and strong inside, not some wimp who bends and breaks at adversity.

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